EU projects

iBMS-JO objectives:

iBMS-JO project aim at improving the capacity of all Medical Schools in Jordan in developing new programs in Basic Medical Sciences (BMS), in parallel to the currently available programs of Medicine and Surgery, and establishing local but interconnected Telemedicine Laboratories (TL), also the project aims at answering to the global health care schools challenges in providing graduates with iBSc degrees in BMS who can support these schools in providing well-qualified expertise in BMS.



iBMS is a three years project started on January 15, 2020, and funded by the European Union through Erasmus+ programme.

iBMS Partner:


-   Jordan University of Sceince & Technology (JUST)

-   Al-Balqa' Applied University (BAU)

-   Mutah University (MU)

-   The University of Jordan (UJ)

-   Yarmouk University (YU)

-   UmU-Umeå University

-   University of Patras

-   The Hashemite University

-   Università di Pisa (Italy)

-   University of Porto

-   Creative Thinking Development

-   Jordan Company for Antibody Production

-   Accreditation & Quality Assurance Commission for Higher Education Institutions (AQACHEI)

No. of Visitors