EU projects

Development of an Interdisciplinary Programme in Climate Change and Sustainability Policy” CLIMASP

The Climate Change and Sustainability Policy (CLIMASP) minor at The University of Jordan is an interdisciplinary program funded by the European Commission Tempus under the coordination of the UNESCO Chair ICT in Education for Sustainable Development, University of Crete, Greece. Students from Faculty of Engineering & Technology, The school of Business, and Faculty of Educational Sciences choosing the CLIMASP minor as a complement of their major opens to them new opportunities for further studies and career paths. The CLIMASP minor consists of core courses, elective courses and the required capstone course in three concentration areas: 1) Climate Change, Environment and Society; 2) Climate Change, Economics and Public Policy; and 3) Climate Change, Science and Technology. The courses included in the CLIMASP minor are an integral part of the participating disciplines curricula. It is, thus, an advantage for students seeking a meaningful and rewarding complement to their main field of study. Upon completion of the minor along with their major, students will be granted the Euro-Arab Pass diploma ranges from 45-60 ECTS. The University of Jordan in one of the key partners of the CLIMASP project and has decided to provide the opportunity to UJ undergraduate students to -4- take this minor program enabling them to earn the Euro pass certificate in addition to their B.Sc. in their major specialization. As a pioneer experience, the following UJ Departments are offering courses as part of the CLIMASP minor: 1. Department of Curriculum & Instruction, Faculty of Educational Sciences 2. Department of Business Economics, The school of Business 3. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology 4. Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Technology.

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